Monday, April 20, 2015

Race Recap: To Write Love On Her Arm

This was the 3rd year for the race To Write Love On Her Arms and the 3rd year I ran. If you don't know the story behind the organization, you should read the story that started it all.

When I went to bed I was excited to able to go run this race for the third time! I was awake before my alarm. I got up, grabbed a cup of coffee and was going to get ready when it happened. Without all the details, lets just say my tummy wasn't feeling good. I had given myself an hour to have breakfast and get ready before leaving. For that hour I had to decide if I was even going to make it or not. Since I did not preregister, I figured I would decide what to do when I got there. My mom had a booth at the race site, so I thought I would hang out there and worst case I would be a spectator.

Drove 20 minutes to the race and felt good. When I arrived I went and stopped by the booth, still felt good. Ok I'm gonna register!! 7:45 tummy not so good. I went to the start line and waited. Oh and whoever was smoking in the starting area, yes a "runner." THAT'S JUST RUDE.

They said go and I went hoping not to lose my breakfast out on the race course.

First mile felt good. My stomach was a little upset, but not too bad. 1.3 miles in and I was starting to not feel so good. Around 1.5 I was wanting to walk. The theme behind this race is "What are you running for?" Well, I run for my health. And while I'm having all these thoughts of I don't feel good, just walk going through my head, I had to start realizing that I need to focus on something else. Last weekend my friends at Sparkle Athletic ran the Ragnar Ultra for the Rhett Syndrome girls. I started thinking about the girls who can't run.

I would love to tell you that at that moment I had this big wave of energy pass by me and I finished strong. Well no, that's not what happened. I think that only happens in the movies. I hit the 2 mile marker and I was toast. I hit my puke point and knew I was done. I moved to the side and started walking. A lady who runs about my pace passed me. I thought let her get just a little ways in front of you and then catch her. I did. Then I had to walk again. She got ahead of me and I never did catch her again. I rounded the corner saw the finish line and gave it all I had to finish. Crossed the finish line and almost threw up. As I was gasping for air another smoker. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

I'm glad I sucked it up and finished. It's a great organization and a fun race, minus the smokers.

Yes I'm totally picking on smokers in todays post. Just to let you know I'm an ex smoker. Smoked for 14 years and there is no way in hell I would have smoked that close to runners.

What do you run for?

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