Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thank You RECOVERYbits

I'm so glad I discovered RECOVERYbits & ENERGYbits. WHY? Well, when I eat certain foods it causes inflammation in my joints. Pain so bad that I have fallen over while trying to walk. I have laid in bed crying because the pain was so bad and I couldn't move. Taking over the counter pain pills only dulls the pain. The only thing I have ever found that completely took the pain away was tequila. Lot and lots of tequila. Ok who doesn't want to HAVE to drink a margarita. Oh and did I mention the pain lasts usually 4 days.

So rewind to a week ago. I had joint pain. It wasn't too bad on Monday. When I had to drive to the airport to pick up my husband, I used my heated seats to help. Tuesday I started taking RECOVERYbits by the handful at least twice a day. The pain was there but it was tolerable. I took handfuls for six days. Of course I'm still taking my RECOVERYbits, just not two handfuls a day.

I'm not a doctor or an expert, but I really think that because I was taking the RECOVERYbits everyday prior to my flare up it was the reason I didn't wake up one morning in crippling pain. Taking handfuls of bits, in my opinion, is WAY better than me taking lots over the counter pain meds. And as much fun as it is drinking all the margaritas, RECOVERYbits again are way better for me.

If you haven't tried RECOVERYbits or ENERGYbits you really should! And when you order your bits use my code 'MEGAN' and save 30%.

Yes I am a brand ambassador for ENERGYbits, but everything I say is my opinion. I am NOT paid to write this AND yes this really happened to me. 

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