Sunday, October 19, 2014

Rocketman Triathlon Recap

This year I was asked by a friend if I would participate in the Rocketman Triathlon relay. I would take the run portion of the relay. That works for me, because I'm not a swimmer or a biker. Funny little side note. Several years ago this race was a 5k that took place at the Kennedy Space Center. I missed it the year it took place, but I patiently waited for the next race date. It never happened, they changed it to the triathlon. I was very excited when I was asked to run this! The only one problem I had, is that I've run with this race management company three previous times and they really aren't the best. I think Running Zone needs to teach them how to operate or Running Zone needs to take over their races.

Photo Source: Smooth Running 
The triathlon took place on Kennedy Space Center property. The swim portion was in the Indian River, the bike portion took participants past two launch pads. If you did the Ironman distance, it took you past the shuttle runway. (See photo below)
Photo Source: Smooth Running
The run portion took place mostly on roads. We did run through the Warbird Museum. We actually ran on the ramp where they have several planes parked. That was awesome! I have no photos because I left my phone with my husband.

The morning of the race I didn't have to show up until well after the race started. It was very strange not to be at an event at the start. My husband and I left our house around 9:00 am, the first swimmers hit the water around 7:20 am. When we showed up we had some problems finding parking. One would think with 1,000 participants they would have the parking for everyone. It didn't help that many of the people took two spots per car. Who does that? Anyway, we walked the quarter mile to the finish line then had to find the transition area. After asking a few volunteers we finally found it. Thankfully there were porta potties and a water station just outside the transition area. We found a shady area and waited for my partner.

My partner entered the transition area. It was around 84 degrees. Good thing I went running outside earlier in the week, since during the summer months I run indoors.

We did the ankle timer hand off and I was off running. The running course at the beginning was kinda crowded because, the finished participants were exiting with their bikes and really didn't care if they were in my way. Once I hit the pavement I was off. I tried to keep a 6.1 pace. That was my goal. When I started running I thought I was going to go 3.5 miles. If you look on the website it says the run course was a "5k (3.5 miles)." Again the race management company needs a little bit of help on distances. 

Just before the one mile mark we ran up an overpass. Oops didn't know there was hill. I ended up slowing down and decided to no longer worry too much about my pace. It was just about finishing. 

The first water station was just before the 2 mile mark. The classic distance passed it twice in just a short distance. I'm really glad I carry my own water because, it was way too hot for only one water station, AND strangely as I ran by they offered me a Coke. What runner drinks coke in the middle of a race? 

Just after the water station, we ran through the Warbird museum. I definitely want to go back to that museum soon. There was a photographer on the ramp and I yelled up ahead and said "I'm going to pose next to the plane!" I stopped for what was plenty of time for her to take my picture and of course she didn't get. I guess MarathonFoto should have been there. 

When I hit the three mile mark I knew I was more than a half mile from the finish line. Having no idea how far I was going to run really started to frustrate me. When I finally saw the finish line area they had another water station. REALLY? I'm so close to finish and you expect me to stop for water? That was the dumbest place for a water station. When I crossed the finish line I took my medal and then had to turn in my ankle timer. I looked at my Garmin and the run total was 3.89 miles. 

Team: It's Up To You!

We placed 2nd in the woman relay division!

Overall I'm glad I did it. It was a race I wanted to do. However I will not ever run with this company again.

The day after the tri, my husband and I went up to the Space Center Visitor Center. I took my medal and took photos.

The KSC photographer took this and I bought the print!

Did you do the Rocketman Tri?

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