Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bad run turns good

We've all had "those" run days. When everything is against you and it just sucks. Well today was sorta that day.

I woke up at 4:00am to drive my husband to the airport. Unfortunately this has become a common thing. He needs to be in Chicago before noon which means early wake up calls for us. Usually when he has these early flights I don't do much the rest of the day cause I feel like a zombie. Yesterday I decided that I WILL get my run done on Thursday and that was that. I had my normal two cups of coffee, but this time I added 30 ENERGYbits. Felt good when I got home, but didn't do much. I finally decided at 8:30 I MUST run. Took 30 more ENERGYbits and 30 RECOVERYbits (trying to add RECOVERYbits before my runs now in addition to at night.)

Did my normal 1 mile warm up walk and then it was time to run 3 miles. I have been eliminating my walk breaks the last couple of short runs, but I knew today I needed my walk breaks. I wore two pace bands. The 2:12:30 and the 2:15 half marathon. I really wanted to keep the 2:12:30 pace, but knew it was a long shot.

Mile one 10:16 pace
Mile two 10:10 pace
Mile three 10:12 pace
Mile  four  9:52 at 1.0 incline

The plan was for 3 miles. At 2.5 miles I was tired and wanted to stop. I was so close to three miles, but still wanted to stop. That's when I decided that I was pushing forward and wasn't going to stop. I needed to prove that I CAN DO IT! I'm very proud of myself that I finished my run and added an extra mile!

I have this quote hanging on the wall in front of the treadmill. I repeat it in my head and motivate myself not to stop. Today was both mental and physical day. I know if I can power through these bad days I'll be ready for that 26.2 miles. I'm really thinking on bad run days I'm going to force myself to go that extra mile, literally!

When I was all done with the 4 miles I decided to take Mousse for a run. He's on new meds and is feeling so much better. In the last week he's been demanding that I take him for a walk. Today was the 2nd day we ran. Years ago he could about 1 mile with me. He's a little slow, but he'll get there! Also he'll be 10 on Wednesday!!!

When you have a bad run day, what do you do?

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