Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Key Largo Bridge Run Recap

Over the weekend I ran the Key Largo Bridge Run Half Marathon. I will admit I hadn't really trained for this 1/2 and it showed. 

I took my mom down to the Keys with me this weekend for a girls weekend!! We drove down Friday morning. We checked into the hotel in Key Largo then drove down to Marathon. My mom hadn't been to the Keys before so I figured she should see more than just Key Largo. 

First stop was the Old 7 Mile Bridge in Marathon. I would post a photo, but I guess I forgot to take one. Oops...

Next stop was The Dolphin Research Center. My mom's friend works there and we wanted to stop and say hi. When we got there they had just started a show. The dolphins were swimming around, playing with toys and the trainers were giving us some info on each dolphin. 

We then drove back to Key Largo and I went to bed early since I had to get up early and run.

I woke up before my alarm which was set for 4:30. Got ready ate breakfast and went across the street to Starbucks to get coffee. I don't run without drinking coffee. And I don't drink hotel room coffee. It's gross. After I got my coffee we went back to the hotel and got on the bus which took us to the start line. 

Of course I had to get my pre race photo!

As we waited at the start line we were told that we were being filmed for a documentary. So we had a helicopter escort over the bridge. 
The National Anthem was sung and we were off. The only thing is that the 5k 10k and 1/2 marathon all started at the same time. By the time I made it to the top of the bridge some of the 5k runners had already turned around and had to fight traffic trying to get back. I think they should have staggered the races.

This was about half way up the bridge.

After about the first mile it got hot. It was 78 with 92% humidity. And on top of that I hadn't really run in the last month. It was a long race. And a little boring. I ended up texting my husband and mom while I was on my walk breaks. With only 172 runners I was usually all by myself. This was my 5th 1/2 marathon and smallest. There were no crowds cheering you on or characters (like at Disney). I think I like running with lots and lots of other runners. 

The hardest part of this whole race was running, or in my case walking, up the bridge at the very end. It was windy. 19 mph head wind up a bridge with 92 foot elevation gain. I walked up the entire way. I had nothing left in me to fight the wind.


These were taken at the top of bridge!

Now all I had to do run down the bridge. It took everything I had, but I started running down and before I knew it there was the finish line!!

Somehow I managed a jump at the end!
It was a good race. It sure wasn't my best time, but I knew going in that it wasn't going to be a fast race for me. I'm just glad I stuck it out and finished.

Now back to training for the Space Coast Half Marathon which is three weeks away!


  1. Hi Megan. I ran this race too. I totally agree about the awful wind! My quads were killing me for days afterwards! I loved reading your recap. Looking at your finish photo carefully, I think that might be me walking away in the distance all dressed in black. What a small world!!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!! I saw you in my photo!! That is just too funny, it really is a small world!!
