Sunday, October 20, 2013

Race Recap: Ghostly Gecko 5k

Saturday I ran the Ghostly Gecko 5k! It is race 3 of 7 in the Running Zone Foundation Race Series.

And just like last year I dressed up again this year. Except this year I got more creative. Last year I wore my cheerleading suit from high school. Yes it still fits, well it did last year not sure about this year I'm too scared to put it on again. Anyway this year I dressed up as Snow White. I want to be Snow White for the one of the Glass Slipper races in February so I figured if I'm going to make a costume why only wear it once. 

Thank goodness Carrie from Sparkle Athletic has a DIY on how to make the costume! My costume may not exactly look like hers, but I tried! 

I wished I could make the fancy collar, but I'm not that talented when it comes to the sewing machine so I went for the basic rectangle. 

While I was working on my costume I had an idea! I just needed to convince my mom to dress up as the Evil Queen. So she agreed and I made her costume too. Luckily it only required that I make a collar and cape. My mom goes to most of my races and takes my photo. We like to call her my official race photographer!! 

This race we were able to use RaceJoy app! Mom and I stopped by the booth and had our pictures taken.

I was determined this race to not have any pain. I used 8 1/2 strips of KT Tape just to make sure. 

This was not my best starting photo.

The first mile was great! No pain! I may have gone too fast the first mile, but it felt so good I was just flying. The last 2.1 were slower than the first, but that's ok. Someday I'll get my time back to sub 30:00 for a 5k.

My time was 30:24. Not bad since last week my time was 31:16. 

This screen shot is from the RaceJoy app.


  1. That's a great costume. Looks like you had fun.

    1. You ran very well...I hope your Mom can help with the massage therapy and you feel better running...

    2. Thank you! My next massage appointment is already made!
